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Engineer Pepi and Firefighter Lucas are taking adv
Seasons Greetings from your San Rafael Firefighter
The San Rafael Firefighters Association was proud
One of the coolest pieces of department history is
The SRFA is proud to make this donation to @aarbf
Academy 31 wrapped up their 8 week academy today w
On Sunday at approximately 3:25PM E57, E56, T54, M
Throughout the month of October your San Rafael Fi
Station 55 received a a heartfelt thank you packag
September was another busy month for your San Rafa
Final inspection on our two new @braunnorthwestinc
On the evening of September 24, 2024, T54 and @san
Today, San Rafael firefighters on E57, T54, M57 an
Yesterday, the San Rafael Fire Department hosted a
Shortly after midnight, San Rafael Firefighters re
This evening E51 responded to a fire in an storm d
This morning, the San Rafael Firefighters attended
At 5:18am this morning San Rafael firefighters res
E51, E52 and M52 crews joined the @sanrafaelfireex
August was a busy month for your San Rafael Firefi
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